We delve into the detail

Our mission: to provide clients facing strategic challenges with sound advice and crystal-clear solutions. As actuaries, we analyse risks, provide expert opinions and prepare expert reports.

Based on our many years of experience in actuarial mathematics, we support our clients according to their needs – from start to finish, or in selected areas of actuarial methodology, risk monitoring or data analytics. We are not afraid to tackle complex legacy issues such as the commutation of insurance contracts or portfolio transfers. On the contrary – we believe that resolving such issues is an especially important part of responsible corporate governance. 

Actuarial services

We have a thorough understanding of the actuarial aspects of non-life, accident and health insurance. We help our clients in direct insurance and reinsurance comply with the Swiss Federal Law on Insurance Contracts (VVG), the Swiss Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG) and the Swiss Federal Accident Insurance Act (UVG).

Working as appointed actuaries

The scope of responsibility of “appointed actuaries” covers a wide variety of specialist topics and embraces all activities involving compliance with legal and regulatory provisions:

It includes quantitative areas of responsibility such as actuarial reserves, insurance risks or accounting based on mark-to-market values. But it also includes qualitative tasks, from preparing regular expert reports through to identifying any inadequacies, immediately disclosing them to senior management, and then finding appropriate solutions. All these activities are based on a professionally solid, personally committed, and ethically sound understanding of this responsible role.

For us, the extended scope of responsibilities described in the 2024 revision of the Swiss financial regulator’s Ordinance on the Supervision of Private Insurance Institutions (AVO-Finma) is nothing new. We have covered these areas of responsibility for years, because we regard them as a self-evident part of effective actuarial consulting.

Hier ist Klarheit wichtig; unsere Übersetzung ist sehr klar: azenes macht etwas schon jahrelang, das andere Firmen erst jetzt machen (müssen).

Business plans

As a company’s constitutional document, a business plan must be drawn up with due care and prudence. We are always ready to help you draft any sections involving actuarial considerations.

Actuarial practice

We are expert in and passionate about all aspects of actuarial practice (the fundamental skills of the professional actuary), including pricing, valuation and risk analysis.

Like to know more about our actuarial services?

Lilith McGhee

Lilith McGhee

Head of Actuarial Consulting
more about Lilith

Risk and regulation

For every insurance company, identifying, monitoring and managing risks is a top priority. Working closely with you, we are ready to develop your own customised in-house model, ICS or risk management strategy.

Solvency and risk management

Solvency modelling requires an in-depth knowledge of the underwritten risks. Depending on the context, regulatory requirements may also come into play, such as the Swiss Solvency Test (SST) or solvency tests under the Health Insurance Act (KVG), Solvency II and Orsa.

We manage the implementation, review and validation of (internal) risk models such as SST and Solvency II while ensuring that they comply with national and international regulatory provisions.

We analyse and calculate the specific risks to which your company is exposed. We scrutinise your ICS. Together, we uncover any gaps and identify areas where too many control mechanisms have combined to form a risk in themselves.


Where it makes sense or is necessary to do so, whether for risk or capital-related reasons, we evaluate, model and optimise new or existing reinsurance programmes in close consultation with you. And in doing so, raise your insurance concept to a whole new level.


We offer expert support for new business start-ups, run-offs, mergers and acquisitions, with particular focus on Switzerland and Liechtenstein. 

We also assist clients in implementing regulatory requirements applying to corporate governance and risk management.

Like to know more about risk and regulation?

Stefan Purtschert

Stefan Purtschert

Head of Risk and Regulation
more about Stefan

Data and analytics

We manage projects using our own and third-party data to produce reliable forecasts, take appropriate actions, and evaluate the outcomes. To do so, we use a broad range of tools, ranging from traditional methods through to state-of-the-art models for data collection, data analytics and deep learning.


Development and implementation of pricing models for non-life and health insurers.

Review of product profitability and validation of pricing structures, especially with a view to refining underwriting criteria.


Analysis of performance data to identify trend drivers and quantify performance management measures and their impact on actuarial reserving work.

Backtesting of existing forecasting models, identification of weak points and implementation of improvements.

For us, data and analytics are not so much a service as a craft we have mastered. The people mentioned above will be happy to answer any questions you may have.