Azenes AG

Bespoke actuarial consulting services for decision-makers and strategists.

Precision and reliability for data science projects!

Precision and reliability for data science projects! Data science projects require independent validation.

Operational, tactical and strategic decisions are based on data science projects. We have provided a German-language concept for validation.

About us

About us

Azenes AG makes challenges tangible, identifies opportunities, and develops long-term solutions for current, future and legacy issues. By applying our deep knowledge of mathematics and our broad actuarial expertise, we analyse your concerns in detail and help you think ahead.

Product development

Product development

We advise you on the development and market launch of your new products, portfolios and processes. As a team of bright, questioning minds with many years of experience of actuarial mathematics, we are able to see the big picture while acting as a resourceful interface between product management, IT, legislation and regulation.

Actuarial consulting

Actuarial consulting

We are intimately familiar with every facet of the actuary’s craft. We examine the details of your actuarial practice and draw up expert reports. We work closely with our clients to perform in-depth analyses of existing portfolios or legacy issues, based on a keen awareness of responsible corporate governance.

Knowledge sharing

Knowledge sharing

Our work depends on our proven expertise in non-life, accident and health insurance, and our rock-solid grasp of the relevant Swiss legislation (VVG, KVG, UVG). Creating clarity, stating our views and sharing knowledge are all essential parts of what we do. 

Here for you

Are you looking to develop your product portfolio? Do you have technical questions relating to non-life, accident or health insurance? Our management team looks forward to hearing from you.

Product development lead

Even Meier

Even Meier

more about Even

Actuarial consulting lead

Lilith McGhee

Lilith McGhee

more about Lilith

Risk and regulation lead

Stefan Purtschert

Stefan Purtschert

more about Stefan